• Lifestyle,  Shopping

    The Zellers Reboot. Will the Nostalgia be Enough?

    The Good Old Days I grew up in rural Saskatchewan. The closest city to our farm was Moose Jaw. Trips to the city, especially when those trips were with my grandparents, inevitably involved shopping at Woolco and having dinner at Bonanza. Depending on your age it is very possible you have never set foot in a Woolco store. To explain the store in simple terms, it was just another Zellers. Mediocre merchandise at lower end prices. Complete with it’s own in store cafe style restaurant. The chain, in Canada, closed it’s last location in 1994. Immediately after the Woolco ceased to exist in Moose Jaw a shiny new Zellers store…

  • Small boy talking to Santa
    Family,  Lifestyle,  Local Event

    Christmas 2022 Guide to finding Santa in Saskatchewan

    Grey Cup in Regina is over (what a blast that was!) and now us prairie dwellers can turn our attention to the pending holidays. My little one isn’t so little anymore but when she was visiting the mall Santa’s for a photo opp was part of our annual traditions. Even though getting out and tracking down Santa isn’t on our list anymore I thought I would take the opportunity to make it a little easier for those of you that do. I will do my best to update this page to keep it current but if you know of a Santa appearance that I’ve missed please drop me a line…