Who are you? What is this place?

Let’s get right into the introductions. I’m Shayna. A life long prairie girl. Mother to an almost teen age daughter. Fiercely loyal friend.

I was the author of a “mommy” blog for quite a few years. It was something I loved. It combined my passion for writing, photography, cooking and being a kick ass mother and allowed me to make a little extra pocket money to balance the budget. It also gave me the opportunity to meet some really wonderful folks that I otherwise never would have crossed paths with. I have built relationships that I will cherish for all time.

Maintaining a blog is A LOT of work. I won’t get into all the ins and outs of what that entails but it involved a rather large investment of time. So, I was running the blog, pursuing a full time career, raising a freaking amazing daughter and trying to get divorced (another major time sucker) and something had to give. So, I let the blog go.

Fast forward a couple of years. I feel like I’ve regained my balance. My daughter is a little older. I’m ready to write again. With a new focus. Which leads us to…

Hugging the Bunny

After I shut down my blog I was frequently asked if I was going to relaunch it at some point. I knew, with certainty, that I was done with that particular blog genre but that I didn’t think I was forever done with blogging. So, my answer to that question was always – when the day comes when a new idea excites me I’ll be back. That day came.

I’ve lived in this province my entire life. On the farm, in a small town, in a small city and now in our capital city. I think we can all agree that the past few years have been hard on most of us. Not just for Saskatchewan folks, but certainly for Saskatchewan folks. It’s been this roller coaster of coming together in wonderful ways and also being divided in not so wonderful ways. We’ve experienced the best and (arguably) the worst in our communities.

Community is exactly where I want to focus. It is the inspiration behind Hugging the Bunny. I want to discover and celebrate all of those things in Saskatchewan that are worth discovering and celebrating. The province, the people, and all they have to offer. With all we’ve been hit with recently it’s so easy to overlook the beauty in this community. I want us to remember those things we’ve forgotten and discover the things we have overlooked.

Along with this exploration of the goodness around us there has to be some focus and discussion on the things we could be and should be doing better. I want us to have those discussions. I want us to point out the problems, the disparities and cultivate ideas for change. Because we need them. Desperately.

I’m glad you stopped by. And I hope you become part of our community.